Mortgage and Finances // Gonenc Real Estate

Gonenc Real Estate offers available to use mortgage properties for sale in Marmaris Turkey.


How much can I borrow and what proof of income is required? Please note, that non-status/self-certification mortgage facilities are not available through the lender. All applications need to be supported by a minimum requirement of proof of income. 

If employed, copies of your last three months 's payslips and your latest P60, and an Employer's Reference together with copies of your last three months 's Personal Bank Statements will be required or alternatively, if you are self-employed or Director of a Limited Company with a shareholding of 20% or more copies of your last three years Audited Accounts plus copies of Personal Tax Returns for the last 2 year and copies of your last 3 Personal Bank Statements will be required on the application.

Before arranging mortgage finance what we can do?

Please visit F.A.Q. link and please note that it will also be necessary to obtain a copy of your credit file via Equifax or Experian. The lender will NOT take into consideration any proposed Rental Income from the property for mortgage purposes/repayments. 

Your loan is based on your joint net “ take-home” pay and is calculated on an affordability basis. All your existing liabilities including any mortgage/rent payments, personal and bank loans, and any maintenance (ie: Divorce) payments together with your proposed Turkish mortgage payments must not exceed 45% of your net monthly income.


Net joint monthly income £ 2,500 times 45% of that figure is £1,125 minus existing monthly mortgage payment £ 700 – No other liabilities. This leaves a balance of £425 for a proposed Turkish Mortgage payment.
Gonenc Real Estate property for sale in Marmaris Turkey has an updated portfolio. Please contact us for more information.

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